Thursday, March 6, 2008

Husbands..and Other Dumb Animals!

You can send your dog to obedience school but there is no similar institution to train your husbands. Therefore it is usually left up to the wife. Admittedly it isn’t an easy task and so it requires much patience. That’s not meant to imply that you can’t meet with limited success in your endeavors, as long as you don’t get your hopes up too high. But it can be done. After all, they can teach monkeys and other simple primates to do amazing things because they too have moderate levels of intelligence and are great imitators. Of course, with husbands as with other dumb animals, not every one of them can be taught. Some just won’t or can’t learn. With your misfortune, you probably got one of those.

Pavlov, Skinner, and other psychologists have studied dogs and rats in an attempt to understanding human behavior. If you too are interested in observing animals to get a clue to the male psyche, I would suggest directing your efforts to something closer to mankind. Since monkeys are purported to be our closest cousins, perhaps a trip to the zoo would be more profitable. A word of caution, when you go, watch out for the one that sits sullen in the corner and throws poop at the spectators. Then remember, considering the basic genetic material, you don’t have much to work with!

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